
We have a lot to say about what it takes to make work work for everyone.
Here are a few of our favorite thoughts on the matter.


100,000 Women Can’t Be Wrong: Using Data Science to Bust Myths About Women at Work

As co-founder of dunnhumby, the global consumer data giant that first gained prominence with the creation of the Tesco Clubcard in the 1990s, Edwina Dunn grew her company to 1,500 employees, working with major retailers in 30 countries.

And she still had trouble being heard.


Women Are Overburdened With Their Families’ “Mental Loads”

Here’s how I got my husband to do his share of all the thinking and strategizing that keeps our family running.


I’m Not Jewish, But I’m ‘Jewish-Adjacent.’ Here’s What That Means

I grew up in a small Ohio farm town on the verge of becoming the traffic-clogged suburb it is today. In 12 years of public school, I knew one Jewish guy (and one young woman of color). Diversity, at least to the young me, consisted primarily of Lutheran versus Methodist — and of course, the cool kids from St. Pete’s Catholic school.


How to Make Breast Pumping at Work Go Smoothly, From a Mom Who's Been There

Pumping breast milk when you go back to work can seem complicated and onerous, but these tips can help you make it all go smoothly.

Jennifer just wanted a sibling for her daughter. Then she discovered she had "secondary infertility".

Cut to two years after my girl’s arrival and I’m once again at my fertility doctor’s office, feeling a bit smug with the knowledge that not only do we already know how to deal with my PCOS, but that we could almost set baby No. 2’s birth date.

Secondary infertility had other ideas.

Just Relax, NoFlex Boss:
Flex Is a Boost Not Bust for Your Workplace

Dear NoFlex Boss,

It’s come to my attention that you’re not a fan of flexible work. From flex-time to work-from-home, it’s just not working for you. And I won’t even get you started on compressed workweeks or long-term career flexibility. I know you suspect these options are designed solely for those women destined for the mommy track.

IvyExec: What Does it Take for Women to Get Back to Their Careers? 

Few women go into their careers planning to get pushed out of it.

And yet, despite decades of change that has resulted in more women graduating with advanced degrees and women entering into careers in numbers equal to that of men, the factors that push us out of the workforce in high numbers haven’t changed much.


What Happened When I Didn’t Have Paid Family Leave

I ran smack into the paid family leave debate long before I had kids. I was working as a newspaper reporter in South Carolina, far from my Midwestern hometown, but still glad to have snagged a job in my shrinking industry during a (previous) recession.

Why Women in Business Still Need Men to Get Ahead

Women in leadership roles are keenly aware of our how our numbers have stagnated in the past decade. When it comes to business, finance and politics, women remain underrepresented in senior roles — and even mid-level ones.

And yet, we keep striving. The past year or so alone has seen a cottage industry of professional women's groups blossom into a city-sized community worthy of note, each focusing on a specific niche.

Flexible work

How to Ask Your Boss for a More Flexible Work Schedule

Being a working parent is all about that elusive balance, but if you can create a more flexible work schedule, it's actually possible to achieve.