Jennwork creates content that articulates vision and value, drives revenue and propels your mission forward.
Jennwork creates content that articulates vision and value, drives revenue and propels your mission forward.
Created for Meta, this evergreen guide launched for Pride Month and focuses on how business can be a catalyst for change, growth and leadership, working towards a more accepting, more inclusive and safer world. Features global case studies, insights from founders and executives from around the world as well as important research findings and simple actions businesses can take. Translated into Spanish, French, German and Portuguese.
To better understand how men are navigating the flexible work and home terrain, we surveyed 2,000 men and women about the impact of flex. The majority surveyed have flexible schedules, 79 percent feel comfortable using flex, and 62 percent say their employers can and do support flex.
Created for Meta, this year-round guide launched for Women’s History Month and features global case studies, insights from experts and spotlights commitments Meta is making to support women around the world. Translated into Spanish and Portuguese.
Our Working Mother Research Institute survey shows that most women cope with the impact of MS daily. Eight in 10 women surveyed say they’re currently experiencing symptoms or have in the past three months. Our data reveal how tough it is to juggle a career, family and MS.
More than a quarter of all partnered working moms outearn their spouses. That’s the finding of our new Working Mother Research Institute survey, which shows how women’s new earning power can sometimes clash with our old expectations about career, family and the roles we play.
Whether it’s difficulty seeing or hearing, a struggle with chronic anxiety or depression, limitations in learning, or difficulty with social behavior, disability is part of millions of Americans’ lives. It crosses all age, income, religious, ethnic, racial and cultural lines. Today, one-in-five will experience some form of disability in their lifetime.
On the 30th anniversary of the Working Mother 100 Best Companies initiative, employed moms are no longer a novelty—70% of women with kids under 18 have jobs. How do these moms feel about their careers, families and selves? The Working Mother Research Institute surveyed women to find out.
To better understand the experience and motivations of women of color in the workplace, the Working Mother Research Institute surveyed 1,746 employed collegeeducated women, including more than 1,370 women of color, about the impact of race on their careers.